(920) 336-4002
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In Office Sedation

Our practice offers gentle and effective dental care to children and adolescents in the nurturing environment of our dental office. Dr. Viji Shetty has the distinctive ability to understand the specific needs of children who need dental care but cannot cooperate for safe dental treatment. Through In-office sedation, you can eliminate the struggles that can lead to fear of the dental setting and of future treatment for your child.

Is In-office sedation right for my child?  In-office sedation services are ideal for:​

  • Children who have high anxiety or extreme fear of dentistry
  • Complex Dental treatments requiring multiple visits
  • Children who have a severe gag reflex
  • Children who experience difficulty achieving numbness

For these situations, the use of In-office sedation may be the safest and best option for your family.

In-office sedation

In-office Sedation will put your child into a deep sleep and unable to feel pain. In-office sedation will be provided by an anesthesiologist. These professionals are trained to deliver medication and monitor your child during the procedure. Safety for your child is our utmost priority. Post op recovery is usually 30-60 minutes. Child will probably be ready to resume their normal schedule the next day.